With their corporate slogan 'Together strong for the forest', TTW Waldpflege GmbH and Waldprofi GmbH provide a professional structure for managing all relevant forestry services. Our 'one-stop shop' philosophy guarantees fast, on-schedule and transparent handling of all your timber operations: from the planning of harvesting, to transport and billing through a single contact. We deliver these stringent quality standards and offer this wide range of services exceedingly well jointly with our professional partner structures “Waldprofi” and “TTW Waldpflege”. We are concerned about strengthening regional corporate structures and the deployment of local skilled personnel, as well as complying with all criteria to ensure sustainable forestry management.
'We coordinate the professionals.'

We offer solutions to forest owners for a profitable and sustainable forest cultivation in the highest execution quality.
For all orders, we pay attention to
• quality
• efficiency
• safety
• sustainability
Our customers’ satisfaction is the aim of our work!
Roundwood purchase
Everything from one source - we assure the unproblematic processing of the timber transaction on time to you through
• Acceptance of all product ranges
• On-time processing of the timber harvest and timber transport
• Swift and transparent taking of delivery
• High payment security and short payment periods
• Experienced and professional employees and strong partners
Timber harvesting
Through the involvement of harvesting specialists with many years of experience, we offer the highest work quality for your use in the area of
• Thinning
• End uses
• Single-log extractions
• Damaged timber processing
The well-considered selection of suitable harvesting methods, a targeted preparation of plots, the use of state-of-the-art machinery (cable cranes, processors, harvesters,...) and the continuous qualification of forest workers serve for the satisfaction of our customers.
Timber logistics
A coordinated and timely transport is worth cash.
We get behind the wheel as early as in the work planning, and the complete process from coordinating the schedule up to payment instruction is in our hands. This way, you have a point of contact from the start to finish of the transaction processing.
Areas of use
Find the relevant contact for the log purchase at the sawmill sites here.
Sawmills Austria
Timber Industry Fügen
Contact Eberharter Michael
Zillertalstraße 39 · A-6263 Fügen
fon +43 664 8441472

Sawmills Germany
Kösching Sawmill
Contact Mayer Josef
Einsteinstraße 9 · D-85092 Kösching/Interpark
fon +49 173 389 7851

Oberrot Sawmill
Contact Grau Christian
Eugen-Klenk-Straße 2-4 · D-74420 Oberrot
fon +49 151 167 353 37

Baruth Sawmill
Contact Schueler Steffen
An der Birkenpfuhlheide 1 · D-15837 Baruth/Mark
fon +49 171 3000 524

Wolfegg Sawmill
Contact Weinberger Markus
Grimmenstein 10 · D-88364 Wolfegg
fon +49 171 991 1474

Sawmills Finland
Sawmills Lieksa y Nurmes
Contact Aleksis Schöpper
Kevätniementie 7 · FI-81700 Lieksa
fon +358 405 480 276

Sawmill in the US
Sawmill Live Oak
Contact Hermann Hampel
17152 46th Trce · Live Oak, Florida 32060, USA
+1 (386) 209-5123

Sawmill Enfield
Contact Oliver Kenzian
17152 46th Trce · Live Oak, Florida 32060, USA

Our partners
All businesses working with us have been selected carefully and they are committed to participating in our advanced training and qualification programs and complying with defined quality standards. They have state-of-the-art harvesting technologies and excellent employees with many years of experience in timber harvesting.
Our partners continue to be independent businesses, but they have entered an agreement on long-term collaboration with us, whereby we can guarantee high continuity in the work for our customers.
Waldprofi GmbH
Contact Waldprofi GmbH · Zillertalstraße 39 · A-6263 Fügen · fon +43 5288 601 · fax +43 5288 601-11013· mobile +43 664 8441472 ·
Key region Central Zillertal
Machine equipment K602 bergauf bergab, Radbagger Woody 60
TTW Waldpflege GmbH
Contact TTW Waldpflege GmbH · Eugen-Klenk-Straße 2-4 · D-74420 Oberrot · fon +49 7977 72-0 · fax +49 7977 1577 · ·
Key regions North, south and east Germany
Machine equipment The entire operating range of TTW includes smaller four-wheel harvesters for initial thinning, classic thinning harvesters, and even extra strong wheel and dredger harvesters for the heavy timber harvest.
Want to find out more? Please contact us directly on fon +43 5288 601.
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