

The New Industry 4.0 computer system installed at the binderholz glulam factory in Jenbach | Austria

The New System takes its first Steps

The previous PLC-controlled production system has now been interlinked with a modern information and communication technology system called “Industry 4.0”. This will transform the current independent system and enables all operations to talk and communicate with each other, people, machines, plants, logistics and products. The control centre is positioned in plant 2 at Jenbach. This investment will make binderholz glulam factories one of the most modern leading companies in the industry and will set new standards in production technology.
In addition to this investment, a new automatic high-rack stacking system has been installed to enable all completed BSH glulam packages to be stored. This means up to 850 individual packages or 2,000 m³ can be stored simultaneously. The storage and retrieval of the packages is fully automatic via a new specially programmed warehouse System. Another new feature is all loads are delivered to exchange tractors in a 3 shift operation, enabling up to 35 truckloads per day to be pre-loaded on two loading lines.

New control center at the glulamfactory Jenbach | Austria

Automatic high-rack bearing for finished glulam packages

Exchangeable loading

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