Solid timber manual 2.0

BUILDING PHYSICS 22 List of formulas on sound insulation 1 R’w [dB] Rated construction sound insulation value of a separating component (requirement for Germany) in installed condition with secondary paths 2 L’n,w [dB] Standard footfall sound level (requirement for Germany) in installed condition with secondary paths 3 R ij,w Calculated flank insulation value of a separating component for the individual secondary sound paths with ij = Df, Fd, Ff 4 Ln,Df,w [dB] Footfall sound flank transmission on the path Df, converted to the construction situation 5 Ln,DFf,w [dB] Footfall sound flank transmission on the path DFf, converted to the construction situation 6 Ln,Df, lab w [dB] Lab value of the footfall sound flank transmission on the path Df 7 R’Dd Calculated sound insulation value of a separating component (requirement for Germany) with secondary paths and with in-situ correction 8 L’n,Dd Calculated standard footfall sound level of a separating ceiling (requirement for Germany) with secondary paths and with in-situ correction