INTRODUCTION CONTENTS The Solid Timber Manual 2.0 6 Improvements and expansions 7 Testing institutes 8 Approval and component database 8 Assemblies with additional details available online 9 Two partners, one vision 10 binderholz – letting ideas roam freely 10 Rigips – sustainability in the DNA 11 binderholz CLT BBS 11 Rigips dry construction systems 11 Advantages of timber construction 12 Solid timber is natural, beautiful and cosy 12 Eco-bonus wood 13 Comfort and air quality 14 Lean, light-weight structures with high degree of pre-fabrication 14 Natural 14 Sustainability 15 Pre-fabrication 15 Efficiency 15 Savings of time 15 Long lifetime and value preservation 16 Stability and light-weight 16 More net useable area by virtue of narrower wall structures 16 Noise-free, dust-free, rainproof 17 Building with a system 18 Massive safety 18 Living with wood 18 List of figures 19