INTRODUCTION 15 Sustainability Sustainability rests on three pillars: an economic, an ecological and a social pillar. All three of them must be in harmony before it can be spoken of sustainability. Building with wood fulfils all of them. Building with wood is economical. Building with wood is ecological because wood is a sustainable raw material. And building with wood is socially valuable because wooden structures are optimised energetically and therefore affordable over the long term. Wood is a renewable raw material with a positive effect on the environmental climate. During their growth, trees convert CO2 and water into hydrogen. When wood is used as building material, it serves for many years as a safe CO2 store. Each cubic metre of wood that is used as substitute for other building materials, reduces the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere by 1.1 tonnes on average. Gypsum is 100% infinitely recyclable. Through lean components that are sparing on resources, Rigips plasterboard contributes to sustainable construction throughout the entire lifecycle. Pre-fabrication Wooden building elements are nearly completely pre-fabricated (see Figure 3). This results in advantages of quality and scheduling. Even humidity and temperature is prevalent in the production halls. The assemblers work under steady framework conditions and the structures are protected from the effects of weather. The work in subsequent trades, such as electrical and sanitary installations, is prepared to the furthest extent so that the construction progress at the construction site proceeds in a coordinated and swift manner. Figure 3 – Production supervision from the control room at the binderholz CLT BBS site in Unternberg Efficiency The low deadweight of timber and dry construction structures reduces the expense for the foundation and baseplates. The high degree of pre-fabrication simplifies the implementation at the construction site and secures a standardised and verifiable level of quality. The construction site equipment can be reduced and the logistics expense is lower. The dry construction design shortens the construction periods significantly and thereby enables that the buildings can be used at an earlier point in time, which in turn drastically reduces the financing periods. Savings of time The savings of time through the use of binderholz CLT BBS in combination with Rigips dry construction systems can be substantial in the construction of large-volume buildings. The high degree of pre-fabrication drastically shortens the construction phase. Load-bearing wall elements simply need to be aligned and linked to each other. Drying periods for brickwork or screed are eliminated when using Rigips dry construction systems. Based on their comparably low weight, these pre-fabricated timber elements can have very large dimensions. As the installation is made in the level between the plasterboard system and the timber element, the subsequent cutting and plastering work is omitted.