building physics

BUILDING PHYSICS 20 Secondary paths to be considered for vertical footfall sound transmission 1. Flank ceiling – apartment partition wall Ln,w = 38 dB Ss = 9.8 m² lf = 3.14 m K1 = 4 dB (from Table 1, CLT BBS 125 ceiling in visual surface quality, CLT BBS 125 walls in visual surface quality or directly planked without consideration of potentially planned facing formwork / installation levels) Ln,Df,lab,w = 39.8 dB (calculation according to formula 6) Ln,DFf,lab,w = 45 dB (from Table 2, CLT BBS 125 ceiling in visual sur- face quality, floor assembly with concrete screed and mineral fibre footfall sound insulation boards, rim insulation strips always required) ∆Kij = 0 dB (no elastomer at the top) ∆Kij = 3 dB (elastomer at the bottom, effective for both flank paths) ∆Rij,w = 18 dB (improvement value of a one-sided facing form work on vibration mounts with double 12.5 mm plank- ing on CLT BBS 125 wall, 90 mm thickness, measuring results from binderholz / Rigips) Calculation result: Ln,Df,w = 13.9 dB Ln,DFf,w = 14.1 dB 2. Flank ceiling – interior wall Ln,w = 38 dB Ss = 9.8 m² lf = 3.12 m K1 = 4 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,Df,lab,w = 39.8 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,DFf,lab,w = 45 dB (corresponding to flank 1) ∆Kij = 0 dB (no elastomer at the top) ∆Kij = 3 dB (elastomer at the bottom, effective for both flank paths) ∆Rij,w = 0 dB (no facing formwork planned) Calculation results: Ln,Df,w = 31.8 dB Ln,DFf,w = 37.0 dB 3. Flank ceiling – interior wall Ln,w = 38 dB Ss = 9.8 m² lf = 3.14 m K1 = 4 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,Df,lab,w = 39.8 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,DFf,lab,w = 45 dB (corresponding to flank 1) ∆Kij = 0 dB (no elastomer at the top) ∆Kij = 3 dB (elastomer at the bottom, effective for both flank paths) ∆Rij,w = 15 dB (improvement value of a one-sided facing form- work on vibration mounts with single 15 mm planking on CLT BBS 125 wall, 90 mm thickness, measuring results from binderholz / Rigips) HolzBauSpezial confer- ence transcript) Calculation results: Ln,Df,w = 16.9 dB Ln,DFf,w = 22.1 dB 4. Flank ceiling – interior wall Ln,w = 38 dB Ss = 9.8 m² lf = 3.12 m K1 = 4 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,Df,lab,w = 39.8 dB (corresponding to flank 1) Ln,DFf,lab,w = 45 dB (corresponding to flank 1) ∆Kij = 0 dB (no elastomer at the top) ∆Kij = 3 dB (elastomer at the bottom, effective for both flank paths) ∆Rij,w = 0 dB (no facing formwork planned) Calculation results: Ln,Df,w = 31.8 dB Ln,DFf,w = 37.0 dB